Windows Live SkyDrive offers 25GB of online file storage FREE! It is one of the best online backup and online storage solutions, with huge amount of space, advanced features, secured access, ease of use, and of course, totally Free.
SkyDrive free is one my personal favorite free software. It offers 25GB of free online storage, without any strings attached. That is much more than offered by other online storage providers. So, it does not gets better than that.
Update (24-May-2014): SkyDrive has now been replaced by OneDrive. Links in this article have been updated to go to OneDrive homepage. You can read complete review of OneDrive here.

[the_ad_group id="9610"]SkyDrive: 25 GB Online Storage Space
SkyDrive is Secure
One of the things that I am always most concerned about while storing my stuff online is their security. SkyDrive provides a secure online storage solution. All the file transfers are done using SSL, making them very secure.
SkyDrive provides Access Control
SkyDrive offers multiple options for access control: you can make all the files accessible only to you. Or you can share some of the files with a chosen few, and assign password for them. Or, you can choose to share files with everyone. So, you are free to provide access to your files, any way you want.
SkyDrive for Online Collaboration
SkyDrive also offers very good collaboration solution. You can define a set of users who can access a folder, and everyone can collaborate in that together. 25 GB of free online storage space means that you will have more than enough space to collaborate.
SkyDrive for Online Photo Storage
Such a huge amount of online storage space means that you can use SkyDrive free to store your big photo collection online. Plus, you can use SkyDrive’s photo management features to create albums, picture thumbnails, or adding caption or comments to the photos.
SkyDrive for Online Backup
SkyDrive also provides very effective solution for online backup. 25GB of online storage space means that you can back up all your important files, documents, presentations, and anything else that you want. SkyDrive does not provides any tool for doing folder sync as yet. But there is such a huge demand for it that I am hopeful Microsoft will oblige.
Skydrive is Easy
SkyDrive is really easy to use. It provides easy options to create folders, provide access to them, and add files and photos to them. Sharing is super easy as each file has its own separate URL that can be easily shared. And whole folder can be downloaded as a zip file.
All these features make SkyDrive the best free online file storage and online backup solution. Because it is completely web-based, so you can use it from any operating system: Windows, Linux, or Mac. Check out SkyDrive link at end of article.