Give a Name to a Color that has not been Named yet: COLORNAMES

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In this article, you will read about how you can give a name to a color that has not been named yet by using Colornames web application.

Colors are everywhere. Since most of the things in the world are being called by some name or the other, colors work the same way. If we were to look at how the name “red” came into the picture, someone must have named it before. So, why not we name our favorite color? How awesome that would be if would be able to name our favorite color.

There is a web application that allows you to create a unique name for your favorite color: Colornames.

Give a name to a color that has not been named yet: COLORNAMES

Colornames is a free web application that allows you to give a unique and creative name to your favorite chosen color and store in its database. This web application also has various names being submitted previously by various people that you can vote for if the name of the color seems reasonable and explainable to you.

Let us see how you can give a name to a color that has not been named yet.

First, visit the website in your desktop or mobile browser.

There, you can see the interactive circular color gradient box from which you can pick the color of your choice. Once you have picked up the color of your choice, then click on the tab “Name it” given below the color gradient.


After that, you will be redirected to the page where you can give a creative name to the color you have chosen. Make the name a unique one (offensive words are not recommended). While you are filling out the name, you can see if the name has already been used before or if it’s a unique one. Once you have created a name, click on “Submit”.

Give unique name to the chosen color

This name will be submitted to the database of the website and will be visible to people who will visit the website. Other people will be able to vote for the name you have given to the color and you can use the color name in various platforms.

There you have it, creating a name for your favorite color is now really simple.

In brief

Colornames is a simple web application where you can name your favorite color quite creatively. The names that you will create in this website is licensed under CC 1.0 license. Moreover, you can use this website to vote for different creative names given by other users if you find the names explanatory.

Try this website and explore the world of colors in a unique way.

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