iMusicTweet: Stream Music on Facebook Wall and Twitter

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With iMusicTweet you can share music on your Twitter page, stream music on your Facebook wall. You can embed the music player on blogs, MySpace or anything that allows HTML. This is no limit on what you can accomplish with iMusicTweet.

iMusicTweet is perfect for major &  independent artists, record labels and fans. Artist and labels can use iMusicTweet as a way to promote their music or to share it with the fans, which in turn will create a massive buzz for that song and artist. Once it’s on iMusicTweet and posted on their Twitter, Facebook and website/blog it will then spread quick by fans, re-tweets, re-posts, embed, etc..

iMusicTweet Features:

  • Share single songs and full playlists.
  • The choice to make the music downloadable or not.
  • Profile and music comments.
  • Share the uploaded music through Twitter, Facebook and embed/links.
  • Track all music plays and downloads.

What makes iMusicTweet unique is you can share music on your Facebook wall which allows everyone to stream the music on your actual Facebook page also, when you share music on Twitter, iMusicTweet generates your twitter page so your Twitter followers can click the link and stream the song on your actual Twitter page as well as download and re-tweet the music with easy one-click buttons.

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