Free Cash Register for Stripe to Show Live Sales

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Sale by Stunning is a free online tool that acts as a live cash register for your Stripe account. It creates a dashboard-like page where you can track the total revenue and customers. It updates the sales data in real-time as a sale completes and you can put it on a secondary display in your office or shop. All you have to do is connect it to your Stripe account and then it will start showing you the sales page which is full size. In addition, it plays a chime/ring like sound whenever sales happen.

If you are a Stripe user and want to keep track of the sales live then you can use this tool. Once you authorize it via your Stripe account, connect the sales account, and then it will take care of the rest. It is based on the Stripe API and you just connect it and forget it. However, if you do not have a sale profile on Stripe then you will have to setup that first in order for this tool to start working instantaneously.

Free Cash Register for Stripe to Show Live Sales

You can go ahead and sign up for this Stripe Cash Register here. After that, you just connect your sales profile and that would be all. But if you don’t have a sales profile then it will take you to Stripe dashboard where you can add one from scratch. For a complete sales profile, you will need to enter your personal information in it.

Sale by Stunning Connect Stripe Account

Now, after you complete the authorization process, it will show you your cash register. It is a full-sized webpage where it shows the total revenue in the upper half and total customers in the lower half. It looks like as shown below.

Sale by Stunning for Stripe in action

In this way, you can now make use of this simple tool to act as a live cash register for your Stripe account. Just authorize this online web app and copy the link to the cash register that it creates for you. If you have multiple Stripe accounts then you can use this tool there and track your sales live with a chime.

Final thoughts:

If you’d like to have a dashboard for the Stripe sales then this one here can be a good option. Just put it on a secondary display and install it in your office or shop or anywhere you like. This will give you live sales data and play a sound for a new sale. I liked the fact that the makers of this tool kept it simple and straightforward.

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Free/Paid: Free

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