Free NSFW Detection API to Detect Nudity in Images

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Uploadfilter is a free NSFW detection API to detect nudity in images. With this API, you can filter out images which are not safe for work. It categorizes each image you give as an input on a different scale to detect nudity. You can see the score and the overall result that it return in the response. It can take an image from a remote URL or you can use a local image for detecting nudity. It can process PNG and JPG files at very fast speed and throws the response in JSON. In the free plan of this API, you are allowed to make 2500 requests per month. But if you need more than that then you can subscribe to its other plans.

This API is like any other API. The difference is that it uses some trained AI models to analyze an image and tell if it contains any NSFW content. There are three different parameters in the JSON response that it produces. To see the level of nudity in the source image, you can see the value in integer form 0 to 1, classification as text string, and classification as code. You can easily analyze the result and then take further steps. This API can easily be implemented in web and mobile applications if you are from a programming background.

Free NSFW Detection API to Detect Nudity in Images

Using this Free NSFW Detection API to Detect Nudity in Images:

To use this API, you will have to sign up for a free account. After you confirm your account, it will give you the API key that you will be required to make the calls to the endpoint. Also, you can have a look at its documentation page to see some technical aspects of this API.

Uploadfilter API key

To make API request, you can use any HTTP client you are familiar with. You can use cURL or Httpie for this and you can use Chrome or any other browser as well. The syntax to create API call is below. You can construct the API call in this way and then you can simply use this in any HTTP client you have. It instantly analyzes the image and shows you the response.

Syntax: curl "" -H "apikey: API_Key" -H "url: Image_URL"

Syntax for local file: curl "" -H "apikey: API_Key" -F "file=@"File_Location"

Example: curl "" -H "apikey: fcbxxxxxxxx6e8" -H "url: https://cdn.pixabayxxxx488_960_720.jpg"

Uploadfilter api in action

You can see the JSON response it produced in my case. I tested it on images of different models that I found on Pixabay. And it was able to detect the nudity level precisely. So, if you are an application developer then you can easily implement this API in your differnt projects. Also, if the free quota is not enough for you then there are other plans as well.

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Final thoughts

Uploadfilter is a fast and quite powerful NSFW detection API to detect nudity in images. I am simply amazed by the intelligent algorithm that it uses to quickly detect image content which is not safe for work. There can be numerous scenarios where this API can be helpful. The speed and results are very much reliable and it’s very easy to use too. So, if you are looking for some free nudity detection APIs, then Uploadfilter is a very good option.

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